" Clerk of Loughrea District Court on July 8th 2015 Ms Josie Mulherin
and Judge Geoffrey Browne" <>, Berwick
Solicitors in Galway City <>,,,,,,, Republic of
Ireland Law Society <>,, The Law Society of England and
Wales <>, Senator Ivana Bacik Barrister and
Reid Professor of Criminal Law Criminology and Penology at Trinity
College Dublin <>, John Reilly Barrister
at Tooks Chambers London <>, Senator and
Practising Barrister Lorraine Higgins
<>, Republic of Ireland Practicing
Barrister and Former Psychologist Catherine Connolly
<>, Lawyer Ciara Macklin
<>,, Lawyer
Gearoid Geraghty <>,, Lawyer Researcher and Veteran RTE
Broadcaster Dr Miriam O'Callaghan <>, Galway City
University Irish Centre For Human Rights Professor Michael O'Flaherty
<>, Professor Raymond Murphy at The
National University of Ireland Centre for Human Rights in Galway City
<>, Dr Kathleen Cavanaugh at The Irish
Centre for Human Rights in Galway City
<>, "Dr Áine Ryall (Republic of Ireland Barrister,
Law Lecturer, and Specialist in European Union and UN Aarhus Treaty
Law)" <>, "Lawyer Sheenagh MacCarthy - Partner at
Loughrea Law-Firm F.G. MacCarthy" <>,
Family Lawyer Barrister John Glynn at Patrick Hogan & Co Ballinasloe
County Galway <>, Lawyer John O'Neill of
Law Firm John O'Neill and Company Solicitors
Lawyer Brendan Glynn at Patrick Hogan &
Company Solicitors <>, Patrick Hogan &
Company Solicitors <>, "Republic Of Ireland Justice
Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD (Case Reference 0724094243)"
<>, Dr Maurice Manning President
of Human Rights Commission <>, "Dr John Kilraine GP
(Loughrea, East County Galway)" <>,
Republic of Ireland Minister for Health Dr Leo Varadkar TD
<>, Republic of Ireland Chief State
Solicitor Eileen Creedon <>, "Republic of
Ireland Attorney General Máire R. Whelan SC" <>,
"Medical Doctor Deirdre Mulryan (Senior Registrar and Psychotherapist)
at Ballinasloe Health Service Executive Day Hospital, at Hotmail Email
Account)" <>, Republic of Ireland Director
of Public Prosecutions Claire Loftus <>
Republic of Ireland Chief Justice Susan Denham
Republic of Ireland Chief Police
Commissioner Nóirín O'Sullivan <>,
of Ireland Loughrea-Based Garda (Police) Detective Gerard Hall and
Superintendent Enda P Walshe" <>,
GLP Solicitors <>, Gallagher
Shatter Solicitors <>, Republic of Ireland
President and Principal Guardian of Bunreacht na hEireann Dr Michael D
Higgins <>, Republic of Ireland Prime Minister
Enda Kenny TD <>, "Republic of Ireland
Garda Síochána Police Ombudsman Commission Case Officer Michelle
Kavanagh GSOC REF: 540009-02-14" <>,
"Republic of Ireland Garda Siochana Police Ombudsman Commission Case
Manager Louise Prendergast (GSOC Case Reference: 290275-07-14)"
<>, "Republic of Ireland Portumna-Based Garda (Police)
Sergeant Bridget Shelly" <>,
"Constitutional and International Human Rights Lawyer Dr Francis A.
Boyle" <>, Republic of Ireland Minister for
Social Protection Joan Burton TD Claim No 69-1962034S
<>, Sean Halligan at Department of Social
Protection Athlone <>, Electric Ireland
Overdue Account 900-938-157 <>, P
Brennan Executive Officer at Social Welfare Appeals Office Appeal Ref
11/26733 <>, "Jeannette Swenarton Northern
Ireland Social Security Agency (Reference Disability Case Reference
52-82267 for YH615974D)" <>, John
Halligan TD <>, William Hague MP UK
Government Minister in Charge of GCHQ <>, IMF
Managing Director Christine Lagarde <>, United
States of America NSA Acquisition Resource Center
<>, Declan Ganley <>,
"Former Republic of Ireland Health Minister Dr. James Reilly TD"
<Minister'>, Health Service Executive
Consultant Psychiatrist and Acting Clinical Director of East Galway
Mental Health Services Dr Margaret O'Grady
"Dr Deirdre Mulryan (Medical Doctor and
Psychotherapist) at Ballinasloe Health Service Executive Day Hospital"
<>, EU Commissioner Maire Geoghegan Quinn
<>, Pope Francis 2nd
<>, Cardinal Brady
<>, "Marie Murray (Senior
Psychologist & Irish Times Columnist)"
<>, Lawyer and Broadcaster Vincent Browne
<>, Irish Times Editor Kevin O'Sullivan
<>, "TG4 (Irish Language Station)"
<>, Veteran RTE Broadcaster Gay Byrne
<>, Sunday World Newspaper
<>, Indymedia Ireland Site Editors
<>, Sunday Business Post
<>, Irish Emigrant Newspaper
<>, Cork Examiner <>,
Internet Journalist <>, Editor at The
Sovereign Independent Republic of Ireland
<>, Niall O'Dowd
Former European Union Foreign Affairs
Minister Lady Ashton of Upholland <>,
President Barack Obama (Constitutional/Civil Rights Lawyer"
<>, Lawyer and Former United States Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton <>, The
Official Website of The British Monarchy
<>, LaRouche Political Action Committee
<>, RT TV <>, Mayor of
Galway County Michael Maher 2011 - 2012
<>, Galway County Manager Martina Moloney
<>, Director of Cultural Affairs Unit
Kevin Kelly <>, East Galway General Election
2011 Contender Galway County Councillor Tim Broderick
<>, United Nations Aarhus Convention
Treaty Secretariat <>, Republic of
Ireland Archaeologist Gearóid Conroy <>,
Republic of Ireland National Monuments Service
<>, Rossport Shell To Sea Solidarity
Camp <>, Lawyer Adrian O' Kane
Omagh <>, "Dr Joseph E. Stiglitz
(Economist)" <>, Republican Sinn Féin
<>, Republic of Ireland Ombudsman Peter Tyndall
<>, Commission Secretariat Brian
McKevitt <>, SIPO Access Officer Mr
Aidan Moore <>, The Standards in
Public Office Commission <>, EU Ombudsman Emily
O'Reilly Case Reference 1867/2006/IP
<>, Chairman of Republic of Ireland
Bank Bailout Inquiry Ciaran Lynch TD <>,
Chairman of the Republic of Ireland's Committee on Public Service
Oversight Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD
<>, Galway County Council
Environment Officer Natasha Burke <>, The
Hub Ireland <>, "Law-Firm Olivia Traynor
& Co. Solicitors in Galway City" <>, Lay
Litigation Ireland <>, Integrity Ireland
<>, The New Land League
<>, Tír na Saor ~ Land of the Free
EU High Representative of the
European Union for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini
<>, Secretary-General of European
Commission Catherine Day <>, William
Finnerty Yahoo Account <>, William
Finnerty Gmail Account <>, "The
Spirit of Celtic Queen Boadicea (East Anglia)"
<>, "The Spirit of Celtic Chieftain
Vercingetorix (Alesia and Turoe)" <>,
The Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla (Tara/Turoe and Ulster)
<> |
Dear Ms Mulherin,
My brother (Gerald Finnerty) related to me, in a telephone conversation
I had with him yesterday evening (July 8th 2015), the points I have
listed under 1) to 4) below:
1) That, well before yesterday's Sitting of Loughrea District Court
began, my half-sister (Marjorie Dolan) handed you a "marked up" and
signed printout of the email I sent to you (and several others) on July
4th 2015. An electronic copy of the full July 4th 2015 email in question can be viewed at
the following www location:
Later today, a scanned copy of the actual "marked up" and signed
printout of the July 4th 2015 in question, which Marjorie handed to you
yesterday morning, will be placed at the following www location:
2) That when my case was called yesterday, you
handed Judge Geoffrey Browne the copy of the "marked up" and signed
July 4th 2015 printout that Marjorie
had earlier given to you yesterday morning (July 8th 2015).
3) That after looking through the contents of the "marked up" and signed
July 4th 2015 printout in question, Judge Geoffrey Browne then asked aloud if I
(William Finnerty) was
present in the Court; and, that in the absence of Lawyer Brendan Glynn,
who I had expected would be in court yesterday to represent all three of us
(i.e. myself, my brother Gerald, and my half-sister Marjorie), my
brother Gerald informed the Court that I was not present.
4) That, on learning from my brother Gerald that I was not present in
the court room,
Judge Geoffrey Browne immediately issued a bench warrant for my arrest.
Allowing for the way that lawyer Brendan Glynn has not provided me with
the "legal advice" I requested from him in my registered letter to him
of May 13th 2015, and for the way that he has not provided me with
answers to any of the "six questions" I asked him for answers to in the
registered letter I sent to him April 24th 2015, as referred to in my
above-mentioned email to you (and Judge Judge Geoffrey Browne) of July
4th 2015, it is now my intention to try and find the legal help I need
(from professional lawyers) to challenge the legality of the bench warrant for my arrest which Judge Geoffrey Browne issued
There are of course several other extremely serious issues (as I see
things) apart from the two I have mentioned in the paragraph immediately
above, as referred to in my email to you (and Judge Geoffrey Browne) of
July 4th 2015, which I will be asking the professional lawyers I seek
help from to take account of as well.
Meanwhile, I would be very grateful to you if you could please correct
anything which you might consider to be false or misleading regarding my
present understanding of the events that took place at yesterday's
Sitting of Loughrea District Court (July 8th 2015), as related to me over the telephone
yesterday evening by my brother Gerald (Finnerty), and which I have
outlined under points 1 to 4 above.
On account of the warrant that has now been issued for my arrest by
Judge Geoffrey Browne, and the fact that lawyer Brendan Glynn appears to
me to have decided -- without informing me -- that he does not wish to
represent me (which means I now have no professional legal
representation of any kind), I have moved out of my brother's home in
New Inn, County Galway (because of the fear I have of being arrested at
any time if I remained there), and that I have
no fixed address at the present time. Consequently, I would be most
grateful if you could please inform me of any corrections or alterations
you might wish to make regarding the points I have listed above under 1
to 4, by means of the email address I am using for the purpose of
sending you this email (i.e. ).
I am copying this email to a number of professional lawyers, law-firms,
and legal bodies, in the hope that -- allowing for the very strange and
very difficult circumstances I
now find myself in -- one or more of them might volunteer to provide me
with the legal help I need to go about challenging (in a court of law)
the legality of the bench warrant for my arrest which
Judge Geoffrey Browne issued yesterday: in the manner, and in the
circumstances, which I have attempted to very briefly outline above.
Later today, a full copy of this email will be placed at the following
www location
Yours sincerely,
William Finnerty.
PS: You and other recipients of this email may wish to note that the
copy of a closely related (but more up-to-date) email I sent to the
United Nations (and others) on July 6th 2015, titled "VIOLATIONS OF THE
following www location: