The Officer in Charge
The Appeals Service Northern Ireland
PO Box 2202
BT1 9YJ September 11th 2019
Pension Credit Reference:
Case Number 38093
William Finnerty
NI Number YH615974D
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to appeal the decision connected with the attached five-page
"Reconsideration Decision" set of papers, which I received as part of a
letter dated August 14th 2019 from Ms Joanne Gordon (Decision Maker) on
behalf of the Department for Communities. Please know that, for some
reason unknown to me, the August 14th 2019 letter in question was not
delivered to my address until August 27th 2019.
A scanned copy of Ms Gordon's letter to me of August 14th 2019, together
with a scanned copy of the associated five-page "Reconsideration
Decision" set of papers, can be viewed at the following www location:
As can be seen at the above www address, part of the text on Page 1 of Joanne Gordon's letter
to me of August 14th 2019 reads as follows:
"We have taken into account all the information available."
I have a problem trying to understand, and to accept, the statement of Ms Gordon's
referred to in quotes immediately above, and this is partly because I
sent a letter to Ms Gordon through the registered post on July 18th 2019
requesting an answer from her regarding the matter of whether, or not,
the Northern Ireland Pension Service still required "the legally binding agreement"
referred to in the final two paragraphs of my July 18th 2019 letter to
Ms Gordon, a
scanned copy of which can be viewed at:
I was waiting for what I hoped would be a straightforward and clear
answer to the question of mine to Ms Gordon referred to in the paragraph
immediately above; and, if I had been clearly informed that the Pension Service did
still require "the legally binding agreement", it was
my intention to then start making enquiries about the costs involved: while bearing in mind
that a) two law firms would need to be involved (one in the Republic of
Ireland and the second in Northern Ireland), and b) that, despite my
best efforts over the past several years, I have still not managed to find
any professional legal representation in
Northern Ireland of the kind which recognises and supports (in practical ways) those
parts of human rights law, and of constitutional law, which I feel are being
violated with impunity, and thus sustaining, and adding to, the growing set
living problems I
have been constantly struggling with for the past twenty years or so.
Also difficult for me to understand, and to
accept, is the fact that neither Ms Gordon's letter to me of August 14h 2019, nor the contents of the associated five-page set of
"Reconsideration Decision" papers
(both referred to above), contain any reference to the letter I sent
through the registered post to the Officer in Charge of the Northern
Ireland Pension Service on February 18th 2019. A scanned copy of the
registered letter in question can be viewed at:
Neither does any account appear (to me) to have been taken by Ms Gordon
of the contents of the letter I sent through the registered post to
Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell on November 3rd 2018, which was
referred to in the text of the letter at the www page location immediately above.
A scanned copy of the November 3rd 2018 letter to Dr Bell can be viewed
I am also including a printout of my November 3rd 2018 letter to Dr Bell with
this appeal letter, in the hope that the Northern Ireland Appeals Service will take into account
the constantly growing set of unresolved, interconnected, and interdependent legal and medical difficulties I have
attempted to outline in
that letter. Collectively, these unresolved problems are severely exacerbating the symptoms of the
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I am suffering from. Evidence
of the fact that I have been diagnosed as suffering from
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be viewed in the scanned copy
of the November
27th 2018 letter written by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell (and
copied to me by him) at:
There are two other issues relating to my present "overall situation" which I feel
I should also mention in this appeal letter, and they are as follows:
I have not received any reply to the "Request for help"
letter I sent to recently retired UK Minister of State for Justice David Gauke MP
through the registered post on April 23rd 2019, and consequently I do not know
where to turn to now for professional legal help of the kind which would
enable me to deal with -- in an integrated and comprehensive way -- the set of several unresolved legal
and medical difficulties I have referred to in the enclosed copy of my
November 3rd 2018 letter to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell. A
scanned copy of the registered I sent to David Gauke MP on April 23rd
2019 can be viewed at:
I have not received any reply to the letter I
sent through the registered post to Psychiatric Nurse Helen Elder (at
the Primary Care Talking Therapies and Wellbeing Hub, Woodstock Lodge,
Belfast) on
August 2nd 2019, and consequently I have no idea of when --
if ever? --
I am going to receive any proper medical treatment for the Complex Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder I am suffering from. A scanned copy of my August 2nd
2019 registered letter to Nurse Elder can be viewed at:
Please know that an email version of my August 2nd 2019 registered
letter to Nurse Elder was copied to Joanne Gordon, as can be seen at:
For the purpose of making it easier to access the several www addresses
referred to in this letter I will later place a copy of the full text at
the following location:
Yours sincerely,
William Finnerty
Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com
FACEBOOK Timeline:
Item #1): Completed NOA1 (SS) Form.
Item #2): Copy of the Reconsideration Decision set of papers sent to me
by Ms Joanne Gordon.
Item #3): Copy of my November 3rd 2018 registered letter to Consultant
Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell. |