"Joanne Gordon, Northern Ireland
State Pension Credit Disputes Team" <Joanne.Gordon@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>, "
The Officer in Charge,
Northern Ireland Pension Service" <pensionservice@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>,
Magee, Northern Ireland Pension Service" <Andrea.Magee@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>,
"Colette McCorry, Belfast Housing Executive Benefit Manager" <belfasthb@nihe.gov.uk>,
Lawyer Brendan M. Glynn B.B.S., LL.B, Patrick Hogan & Co" <
Lord Chancellor and UK Secretary of State for Justice, The Rt Hon David
Gauke MP" <gauked@parliament.uk>,
<david@davidgauke.com>, "
Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer, Northern Ireland
Department of Health" <
micheal.mcbride@health-ni.gov.uk>, "Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Lauren Edgar and Community
Nurse Carmel Reilly at Knockbracken
Healthcare Park, Belfast" <Carmel.Reilly@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "Yvonne McCambley, Secretary
to Consultant General Adult Community
Psychiatrist Dr Paul Bell, MB Bch BAO, MD, FRCPsych" <yvonne.mccambley@belfasttrust.hscni.net>,
Dr David Cheyne GP via Belfast
Reception 147 <Reception.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>, "Andrea
Lowry, Surgery Practice Manager 147" <PracticeManager.147@ormeauparksurgery.gp.n-i.nhs.uk>,
Common Mental Health Hub for Counselling (Belfast), Paris Number
501708, H&C Number 4867045144" <enquiry.hscb@hscni.net>,
UK Mental Health Awareness Week
Organisers, 13-19 May 2019" <press@mentalhealth.org.uk>,
Radius CONNECT 24 Response Centre <enquiries@radiusconnect24.com>,
Scheme Co-ordinator Ina Ferguson <I.Ferguson@helmhousing.org>,
McBride <alison.mcbride@radiushousing.org>, Helm
Housing Manager Alison McBride <A.McBride@helmhousing.org>, Karen McFall <K.McFall@helmhousing.org>,
"Brian Eastwood at Helm Housing, Belfast" <B.Eastwood@helmhousing.org>,
Ciaran Kelly <ciaran.kelly@radiushousing.org>, "
John McLean, Chief Executive Officer of Radius Housing Association" <info@radiushousing.org>, "
Mr Eoghan McKenna LLM, Managing
Director at MSM Law, Belfast, Northern Ireland."
<contactus@msmsolicitors.com>, "
Claire Hanna, MLA for South Belfast" <claire.hanna@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, Chief Justice of the Republic of Ireland
Frank Clarke <SupremeCourt@courts.ie>, The High Representative of the European
Union for Foreign Affairs
Federica Mogherini <federica.mogherini@ec.europa.eu>,
The Officer in
Charge at
Northern Ireland Justice Department, Case Ref: COR/1248/2016"
<private.office@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk>, Republic of Ireland Minister for Justice and Equality
Charles Flanagan TD <charles.flanagan@oir.ie>, Republic of Ireland Prime Minister
Dr Leo Varadkar TD <leo.varadkar@oireachtas.ie>,
Republic of Ireland Deputy Prime Minster Simon Coveney TD <simon.coveney@oireachtas.ie>,
Former Republic of Ireland Prime Minis
ter and Fine Gael Party Leader
Enda Kenny TD <Enda.Kenny@oireachtas.ie>,
"Former Republic of Ireland Justice Minister
Frances Fitzgerald TD (Case
Reference 0724094243)" <Frances.Fitzgerald@oireachtas.ie>,
Hayes Solicitors (Law Firm, Lavery House, Earlsford
Terrace, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland)" <law@hayes-solicitors.ie>,
Cian Clinch (Lawyer) <cclinch@hayes-solicitors.ie>,
"David Phelan, Managing Partner at Hayes Solicitors"
, "Marie Heaney,
Belfast Trust Director of Adult Social and Primary Care on behalf of
Chief Executive Mr Martin Dillon, Your Ref: C/569/18" <Marie.Heaney@belfasttrust.hscni.net>,
Complaints Administrator Damien McKee at Belfast Trust <Damien.McKee@belfasttrust.hscni.net>,
Belfast Trust HSCNI Complaints Department <complaints@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, "The
Officer in Charge, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission" <info@nihrc.org>,
"The Officer in Charge, Republic of Ireland Human Rights and Equality
Commission" <info@ihrec.ie>, "Helen Mallen, Patient and Client Council, Belfast" <info.pcc@hscni.net>,
"Bronte Mayo, Patient and Client Council" <Bronte.Mayo@hscni.net>,
Citizens Advice Belfast <info@citizensadvicebelfast.com>, "
Alexander, Senior Case Work Officer, Northern Ireland Public Services
Ombudsman's Office" <nipso@nipso.org.uk>, Medical
Secretary Deborah Porter at Belfast HSCNI <Deborah.Porter@belfasttrust.hscni.net>,
Ms Kyrrah Thom at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust <Kyrrah.Thom@belfasttrust.hscni.net>,
Occupational Therapist Elaine Mc Shane at Bradbury Wellbeing and
Treatment Centre <elaine.mcshane@belfasttrust.hscni.net>, Elaine at
Belfast 46 Donegall Pass Citizens Advice Bureau Office <train@citizensadvice.co.uk>,
UK Northern Ireland Secretary of State
Karen Bradley MP <karen.bradley.mp@parliament.uk>,
"First Minister of Northern Ireland
Arlene Foster (Lawyer) LL.B. MLA" <arlene.foster@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
arlene@arlenefoster.org.uk, Northern Ireland Justice Minister
Claire Sugden MLA <claire.sugden@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
Northern Ireland Minister For Finance
Máirtín Ó Muilleoir MLA <mairtin.omuilleoir@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
Northern Ireland Minister for Health
Michelle O'Neill MLA <michelle_oneill@hotmail.com>,
michelle.oneill@mla.niassembly.gov.uk, "Discretionary Support Inspector
D Todd at Office of Discretionary Support Commissioner, Belfast BT7 2JA"
<admin.odsc@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>, "Discretionary Support Commissioner, 20
Castle St, Antrim" <antrim.delmail@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>, "Welfare Adviser
Damien O'Boyle at Ballynafeigh (Belfast) Community Development
Association, Northern Ireland" <reception@bcda.net>, Northern Ireland
Southern Health and Social Care Trust SAFEGUARDING ADULTS TEAM <corporate.hq@southerntrust.hscni.net>,
"E&L Kennedy Law Firm, Belfast" <enquiries@eandlkennedy.co.uk>, "
Paul J. O'Kane LL.B." <paul.o@mcshaneandco.com>, "
Aoife McShane LL.B." <aoife.m@mcshaneandco.com>, Lawyer
Rory McShane <rory.m@mcshaneandco.com>, Lawyer Mary Doherty <mary.d@mcshaneandco.com>,
Ronan McGuigan, LL.B. Solicitor Advocate" <ronan.mcguigan@mcguiganmalone.co.uk>,
"Lawyer Jacqueline Malone LL.B. Solicitor Advocate" <jacqueline.malone@mcguiganmalone.co.uk>,
Louise Moley LL.B." <louise.moley@mcguiganmalone.co.uk>,
"Lawyer Ann Marie Featherstone LL.B. LL.M." <amfeatherstone@mcguiganmalone.co.uk>,
Sheila McGuigan <sheila.mcguigan@mcguiganmalone.co.uk>, McGuigan Malone
Solicitors <law@mcguiganmalone.co.uk>, "Lawyer Ronan Haughey of ML White
Solicitors Ltd, Newry, Northern Ireland" <lawyers@mlwhitesolicitors.com>,
Carolyn Rhodes at Oracle Solicitors, Belfast" <info@oraclesolicitors.co.uk>,
Conservative UK Prime Minister The Rt Hon
Theresa May MP <mayt@parliament.uk>,
Labour Party Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn MP <leader@labour.org.uk>, Former
Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt MP <huntj@parliament.uk>, UK
Dept of Health Headquarters <mb-sofs@dh.gsi.gov.uk>, UK Chancellor of
the Exchequer Philip Hammond MP <hammondp@parliament.uk>,
fcocorrespondence@fco.gov.uk, Former UK Secretary of State for Exiting
the European Union David Davis MP <david.davis.mp@parliament.uk>,
Johnson MP,
Former Government Minister in Charge of GCHQ" <boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk>,
Former Lord Chancellor and UK Secretary of State for Justice
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP <general.queries@justice.gsi.gov.uk>,
Clarke MP, Father of the UK House of Commons" <clarkek@parliament.uk>,
Mackell, Director of Client (Solicitor) Complaints at The
Law Society of Northern Ireland" <John.mackell@lawsoc-ni.org>, "Mary
Bradley, Northern Ireland Law Society Executive Officer, Client
Complaints Department" <Mary.Bradley@lawsoc-ni.org>, "Dr. Frank Geddis,
Head of Research and Policy, Northern Ireland Law Society" <Frank.Geddis@lawsoc-ni.org>,
Louise Arthurs at The Northern Ireland Law Centre,
Belfast" <Louise.Arthurs@lawcentreni.org>, Republic of Ireland Law
Society <general@lawsociety.ie>, "The Officer in Charge, Committee on
the Administration of Justice" <info@caj.org.uk>, Republic of Ireland
President and Principal Guardian of Republic of Ireland's Constitution
Dr Michael D Higgins <michaeldtd@gmail.com>,
Republic of Ireland Director of Public Prosecutions
Claire Loftus <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>,
"Republic of Ireland Attorney General Máire R. Whelan SC" <info@ag.irlgov.ie>,
Republic of Ireland Chief State Solicitor Eileen Creedon <contact@csso.gov.ie>,
Ryan, Chief Executive of the Republic of Ireland's Court
Service" <officeoftheceo@courts.ie>, Republic of Ireland Health Minister
Simon Harris TD <simonharris@oireachtas.ie>,
"Chief Police Commissioner of An Garda Siochana (Republic
Ireland Police Force) Drew Harris" <Commissioner@garda.ie>,
Republic of Ireland Parliamentarian Richard Boyd Barrett TD <Richard.BoydBarrett@oireachtas.ie>,
Clare Daly TD <clare.daly@oireachtas.ie>,
Mick Wallace TD <mick.wallace@oireachtas.ie>,
Mattie McGrath TD <mattie.mcgrath@oireachtas.ie>,
Luke Ming Flanagan" <lukeming.flanagan@europarl.europa.eu>,
Matt Carthy <matt.carthy@ep.europa.eu>, Mairead McGuinness <mairead.mcguinness@ep.europa.eu>,
Marian Harkin <marian.harkin@ep.europa.eu>, "SOUTH: Brian Crowley" <brian.crowley@ep.europa.eu>,
Liadh Ní Riada <liadh.niriada@ep.europa.eu>, Sean Kelly <sean.kelly@ep.europa.eu>,
Deirdre Clune <deirdre.clune@ep.europa.eu>, NORTHERN IRELAND (PART OF
THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN) MEPs: Martina Anderson" <martina.anderson@europarl.europa.eu>,
Diane Dodds <diane.dodds@europarl.europa.eu>, James Nicholson <james.nicholson@europarl.europa.eu>, "Agnew, Steven MLA
(Member of Legislative Assembly of Northern Ireland)" <steven.agnew@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Aiken, Steve MLA" <steve.aiken@co.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Allen, Andy MLA"
<andy.allen@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Allister, Jim MLA" <info@jimallister.org>,
"Archibald, Caoimhe MLA" <caoimhe.archibald@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Armstrong, Kellie" <kellie.armstrong@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Bailey,
Clare" <clare.bailey@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Barton, Rosemary MLA" <rosemary.barton@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Beattie, Doug MLA" <doug.beattie@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Beggs, Roy
MLA" <roy.beggs@btopenworld.com>, roy.beggs@mla.niassembly.gov.uk, "Boylan,
Cathal MLA" <cathal.boylan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Boyle, Michaela MLA"
<michaela.boyle@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Bradley, Maurice MLA" <maurice.bradley@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Bradley, Paula MLA" <paula.bradley@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Bradley,
Sinéad MLA" <sinead.bradley@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Bradshaw, Paula
MLA" <paula.bradshaw@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Buchanan, Keith" <keith.buchanan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
Buchanan, Thomas MLA" <thomas.buchanan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Buckley, Jonathan MLA" <jonathan.buckley@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Bunting, Joanne MLA" <joanne.bunting@co.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Butler,
Robbie MLA" <robbie.butler@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Cameron, Pam MLA" <pam.cameron@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Carroll, Gerry MLA" <gerry.carroll@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Chambers,
Alan MLA" <alan.chambers@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Dickson, Stewart MLA"
<stewart.dickson@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Dillon, Linda MLA" <linda.dillon@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Dunne, Gordon MLA" <gordon.dunne@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Durkan, Mark
MLA" <markh.durkan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Easton, Alex MLA" <alex.easton@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Eastwood, Colum MLA" <colum.eastwood@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Farry,
Stephen MLA" <stephen.farry@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Fearon, Megan MLA"
<megan.fearon@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Ford, David MLA" <david.ford@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Frew, Paul MLA" <paul.frew@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Gildernew, Michelle
MLA" <michelle.gildernew@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Girvan, Paul MLA" <paul.girvan@co.niassembly.gov.uk>,
paul.girvan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk, "Givan, Paul MLA" <paul.givan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Hamilton, Simon MLA" <simon.hamilton@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Hazzard, Chris MLA" <chrishazzardsf@gmail.com>,
"Hilditch, David MLA" <david.hilditch@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Humphrey,
William MLA" <william.humphrey@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, williamhy@dup-belfast.co.uk,
"Irwin, William MLA" <william.irwin@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Kearney,
Declan MLA" <declan.kearney@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Kelly, Dolores MLA"
<dolores.kelly@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Kelly, Gerry MLA" <gerry.kelly@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Lockhart, Carla MLA" <carla.lockhart@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Long,
Naomi MLA" <naomi.long@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Lunn, Trevor MLA" <trevor.lunn@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Lynch, Seán MLA" <sean.lynch@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Lyons, Gordon
MLA" <gordon.lyons@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Lyttle, Chris MLA" <chris.lyttle@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"McAleer, Declan MLA" <declan.mcaleer@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "McCann,
Fra MLA" <fra.mccann@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "McCartney, Raymond MLA" <raymond.mccartney@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"McCrossan, Daniel MLA" <daniel.mccrossan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "McGlone,
Patsy MLA" <patsymcglonemla@yahoo.ie>, "McGrath, Colin MLA" <colin.mcgrath@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"McGuigan, Philip MLA" <philip.mcguigan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "McIlveen,
Michelle MLA" <michelle.mcilveen@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "McNulty,
Justin MLA" <justin.mcnulty@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Mallon, Nichola
MLA" <nichola.mallon@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Maskey, Alex MLA" <alex.maskey@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Middleton, Gary MLA" <gary.middleton@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Milne,
Ian MLA" <ian.milne@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Murphy, Conor MLA" <conor.murphy@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Nesbitt, Mike MLA" <mike.nesbitt@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Newton, Robin
MLA" <robin.newton@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Ní Chuilín, Carál MLA" <caral.nichuilin@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"O'Dowd, John MLA" <john.odowd@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Poots, Edwin
MLA" <edwin.poots@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Robinson, George MLA" <george.robinson@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Sheehan, Pat MLA" <pat.sheehan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Stalford,
Christopher MLA" <christopher.stalford@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Storey,
Mervyn MLA" <mervyn.storey@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Swann, Robin MLA" <robin.swann@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Weir, Peter MLA" <peter.weir@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>, "Wells, Jim MLA" <jim.wells@mla.niassembly.gov.uk>,
"Lady Sylvia Hermon, Northern Ireland MP" <sylvia.hermon.mp@parliament.uk>,
Jim Shannon MP <jim.shannon.mp@parliament.uk>, Jeffrey Donaldson MP <jeffrey.donaldson.mp@parliament.uk>,
Gregory Campbell MP <fieldingm@parliament.uk>, Paul Maskey MP <paul.maskey.mp@parliament.uk>,
Paul Girvan MP <paul.girvan.mp@parliament.uk>, Ian Paisley MP <ian.paisley.mp@parliament.uk>,
Sammy Wilson MP <barronj@parliament.uk>, Gavin Robinson MP <gavin.robinson.mp@parliament.uk>,
Nigel Dodds MP <doddsn@parliament.uk>, Emma Little-Pengelly MP <emma.littlepengelly.mp@parliament.uk>,
Francie Molloy MP <sinnfeincookstown@yahoo.com>, Chris Hazzard MP <chris.hazzard.mp@parliament.uk>,
David Simpson MP <simpsond@parliament.uk>, Elisha McCallion MP <elisha.mccallion.mp@parliament.uk>,
Mickey Brady MP <mickey.brady.mp@parliament.uk>, Loughrea District Court
Clerk Josephine Mulherin and
Judge Geoffrey Browne at Loughrea
District Court <LoughreaDC@courts.ie>, "
Deirdre Mulryan (Medical Doctor, Senior Registrar, and
Psychotherapist) at Ballinasloe Health Service Executive Day Hospital,
at Hotmail Email Account)" <deemulryan@hotmail.co.uk>, Joy Donohue NZ
<donofam1@xtra.co.nz>, Gerald Finnerty & Marjorie Dolan Yahoo Account <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>,
Gerald Finnerty and Marjorie Dolan Gmail Account <margieandgerald@gmail.com>,
Siobhan Tara Finnerty and Family <siobhan510@bigpond.com>, Finnerty
Family Lawyer
Barrister John Glynn at Patrick
Hogan & Company Ballinasloe County Galway <johnglynn@phoganandco.com>,
Patrick Hogan & Company Solicitors <info@phogan.ie>,
Lawyer Brendan Glynn at Patrick
Hogan & Company Solicitors in Ballinasloe <brendan@phoganandco.com>,
Niamh Keighery at Patrick Hogan & Co <Niamh@phogan.ie>, Lawyer John
O'Neill of Law Firm John O'Neill and Company Solicitors in Loughrea
<info@joneillco.com>, Francis Donohue <francis.donohue@icloud.com>, East
County Galway-Based Auctioneer and Valuer Vincent Costello <info@vincentcostello.com>,
Former Republic of Ireland Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social
Joan Burton TD Claim No 69-1962034S
P Brennan Executive Officer at
Republic of Ireland Social Welfare Appeals Office Appeal 11/26733 <swappeals@welfare.ie>,
"Newry Northern Ireland Housing Executive Area Manager Loma Wilson, RE:
Waiting List Ref No 650427" <Loma.Wilson@nihe.gov.uk>, Northern Ireland
South Area Housing Executive Benefit Manager Mrs Pricilla Cartmill Re
Application Reference 1000223623 <southarea.hb@nihe.gov.uk>, Newry
Northern Ireland Housing Executive Team Leader Niall Fitzpatrick <niall.fitzpatrick@nihe.gov.uk>,
Newry Northern Ireland Housing Executive Officer Michael Keenan <michael.keenan@nihe.gov.uk>,
Paula Martin at Newry Homecare <pmartin@hcil.com>, Fiona McVerry at
Newry Homecare <fmcverry@hcil.com>, "Portadown Acting Senior Housing
Officer Julianne Milligan, Housing Executive Application Ref No: 650427"
<Julianne.Milligan@nihe.gov.uk>, "John Hughes, Portadown Housing
Officer" <John.Hughes@nihe.gov.uk>, "Siobhan McNally, Portadown Housing
Officer" <Siobhan.McNally@nihe.gov.uk>, Housing Executive Area Manager
for Portadown Area Denise McNally <Lurgan@nihe.gov.uk>, "Julie Dineen,
Allocation Officer, Choice Housing Ireland Limited, Belfast."
<enquiries@choice-housing.org>, "Sarah at Choice Housing Ireland
Limited, Belfast" <ServicesCentre@choice-housing.org>, Helen O'Hare of
Homecare <HOHare@hcil.com>, Homecare Independent Living <enquiries@homecareindependentliving.com>,
Patsy Heaney owner of Clanrye Properties Newry and Manager John Hughes <clanryeproperties@gmail.com>,
Newry Citizens Advice <enewry@citizensadvice.co.uk>, Newry based
Psychotherapist Biggy Hoffman at PIPS <biggi@pipsnewryandmourne.org>,
The Samaritans of Newry <jo@samaritans.org>, "Bernadette Hamill,
Radiology Appointments Officer at Daisy Hill Hospital, Newry, Northern
Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Mark McCauley,
Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Elizabeth
McMonagle, and three GPs at Meadowlands Surgery" <Appointments.Radiology@southerntrust.hscni.net>,
UK Health Business Services Organisation Headquarters in Belfast RE
Major Problems with three Newry GPs at the CORNMARKET SUGERY in Newry
Ref YH615974D <Complaints.bso@hscni.net>, Newry Town Councillor Brendan
Curran <brendan.curran@newryandmourne.gov.uk>, Newry Town Councillor
Frank Councillor Frank Feely <frank.feely@newryandmourne.gov.uk>, Newry
Town Councillor Valerie Harte <valerie.harte@newryandmourne.gov.uk>,
Newry Town Councillor Charlie Casey <charlie.casey@newryandmourne.gov.uk>,
Newry Town Councillor John McArdle <john.mcardle@newryandmourne.gov.uk>,
Newry Town Councillor David Hyland <david.hyland@newryandmourne.gov.uk>,
Newry Town Councillor Jackie Patterson <jackie.patterson@newryandmourne.gov.uk>,
Francis Court Hotel Newry <franciscourthotel@yahoo.co.uk>, Canal Court
Hotel <manager@canalcourthotel.com>, Commander In Charge of Newry Police
Service Northern Ireland Superintendent Simon Walls <NPTNewryCity@psni.pnn.police.uk>,
Newry Police Constable Lee Macklin <lee.macklin@psni.pnn.police.uk>,
Northern Ireland Chief Constable George Hamilton
London Metropolitan Police <new.scotland.yard@met.police.uk>,
United States of America NSA Acquisition Resource Centre <nsaarc@nsaarc.net>,
The UK Pension Service Wolverhampton Office Ref YH615974D <tvpinternationalqueries@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>,
Northern Ireland Community of Refugees & Asylum Seekers <info@nicras.org.uk>,
Newry based UK Government Northern Ireland Outreach Officer Catherine
Redmond <catherine.redmond@nissa.gsi.gov.uk>, Newry based Abuse
Counsellor Rosemary Rooney and Colleagues at Divina's Ark <info@davinasark.co.uk>,
Senior Manager Nuala at the Belfast Northern Ireland Simon Community
<cap@simoncommunity.org>, Staff Member Stephen Ward at the Belfast
Northern Ireland Simon Community <StephenWard@simoncommunity.org>,
Former UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP <cleggn@parliament.uk>,
The Official Website of
The British Monarchy <webeditor@royal.gsx.gov.uk>,
President Donald Trump" <president@whitehouse.gov>,
"Former United States President Barack Obama (Constitutional/Civil
Rights Lawyer" <info@barackobama.com>, "
(Russia Today) TV" <producers@rttv.ru>, LaRouche
Political Action Committee <info@larouchepac.com>,
Open News <rob@opednews.com>,
Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland
Richard Lionel Clarke <worship@ireland.anglican.org>, The Most Reverend
Archbishop of Armagh and Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland Eamon
Martin <info@catholiccommunications.ie>,
Pope Francis 2nd <ornet@ossrom.va>,
Belfast Telegraph Newspaper <writeback@belfasttelegraph.co.uk>,
Irish Times Editor <newsdesk@irishtimes.com>,
Irish Examiner Newspaper <news@examiner.ie>,
Independent Newspaper <Contact@independent.ie>,
Lawyer Researcher and
RTE Broadcaster Dr Miriam O'Callaghan
BBC Northern Ireland <haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk>,
Ben Ando - BBC Crime Reporter <Ben.Ando@bbc.co.uk>,
Veteran RTE Broadcaster Gay Byrne <gb.lyricfm@rte.ie>,
Republic of
Journalist Gemma O'Doherty <info@gemmaodoherty.com>,
International (Ireland)" <info@amnesty.ie>, Brendan Kelly
<brendankellywoodlawn@yahoo.ie>, Philomena Cornu <cornu@optusnet.com.au>,
Galway County Council Environment Officer Natasha Burke <environment@galwaycoco.ie>,
Health Service Executive Consultant Psychiatrist and Acting Clinical
Director of East Galway Mental Health Services
Dr Margaret O'Grady <margaret.ogrady@hse.ie>,
"Republic of Ireland Loughrea-Based Garda (Policeman)
Brendan Quirke QA 517, Garda
Brendan Keyes, Garda (Policewoman) Lorretta Cregg and Garda (Police)
Superintendent Sean Glynn" <loughrea.districtoffice@garda.ie>, Republic
of Ireland Portumna-Based Garda
Sergeant Bridget Shelly <bridget.m.shelly@garda.ie>,
Dr John Kilraine GP <jkilraine@mainstreetclinic.net>,
Dr John O'Reilly GP <Lakeshoremedicalcentre@hotmail.com>, "Dr. Marcella
Finnerty" <marcella@iicp.ie>, "
Sheenagh MacCarthy - Partner at Loughrea Law-Firm F.G.
MacCarthy" <law@fgmaccarthy.com>, Galway City University Irish Centre
For Human Rights
Professor Michael O'Flaherty <MICHAEL.OFLAHERTY@nuigalway.ie>,
Professor Raymond Murphy at The
National University of Ireland Centre for Human Rights in Galway City <ray.murphy@nuigalway.ie>,
Dr Kathleen Cavanaugh at The Irish
Centre for Human Rights in Galway City <kathleen.cavanaugh@nuigalway.ie>,
The Irish Centre for Human Rights <humanrights@nuigalway.ie>, "
Áine Ryall (European Union Environmental Lawyer and UN
Aarhus Treaty Expert)" <a.ryall@ucc.ie>, "Senior Lawyer Alex White
(Former TD)" <alex.white@oireachtas.ie>, Republic of Ireland Opposition
Party Leader
Gerry Adams <Gerry.Adams@oireachtas.ie>,
of Ireland Opposition Party Leader Micheal.Martin" <micheal.martin@oireachtas.ie>,
President of Sinn Fein
Mary Lou McDonald TD <marylou.mcdonald@oireachtas.ie>,
Inquiring Minds <inquiringminds@talktalk.net>, The Hub Ireland <info@thehub-ireland.com>,
"Law-Firm Olivia Traynor & Co. Solicitors in Galway City" <info@oliviatraynor.ie>,
Republican Sinn Féin <saoirse@iol.ie>, Lay Litigation Ireland <info@laylitigationirl.com>,
Integrity Ireland <admin@integrityireland.ie>, The New Land League
<admin@thelandleague.net>, Friends and Relatives of Roscommon Senior
Citizen Michael Gavin RIP <michaelgavin83@gmail.com>, WW2 War Veteran
Norman Scarth <againstcorruption@hotmail.co.uk>, boonox <boonox1@gmail.com>,
Damian Gibney <damiangibney@gmail.com>, David Egan <dmegan3@gmail.com>,
Tír na Saor ~ Land of the Free <mail@freemanireland.ning.com>, Book
Author Fr Tom O' Connor <info@handofhistory.com>, "UPLIFT (People
Powered Change All Over Ireland)" <campaigns@uplift.ie>, "38 DEGREES
(People-Power-Change in United Kingdom)" <emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk>,
Secretary-General of European Commission
Catherine Day <catherine.day@ec.europa.eu>,
EU High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs
Federica Mogherini via EEAS Chief Spokesperson Catherine Ray <catherine.ray@ec.europa.eu>,
Nigel Farage MEP <nigel.farage@europarl.europa.eu>, United Nations
Aarhus Convention Secretariat <aarhus.clearinghouse@unece.org>, "
Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations)" <public.participation@unece.org>,
William Finnerty Yahoo Account <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>,
William Finnerty Gmail Account <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>,
The Human Condition <info@worldtransformation.com>, Legal Help for
Whistleblowers <info@whistleblower.co.uk>,
Cormac Keenan <cormac@keenanlaw.co.uk>, Belfast Lawyer Brian Kelly <info@briankellysolicitors.com>, Claims Ireland
Channel 4 News <news@channel4.com>, "The Spirit of Celtic Queen Boadicea
(East Anglia)" <iceniqueenboadicea@yahoo.co.uk>, "The Spirit of Celtic
Chieftain Vercingetorix (Alesia and Turoe)" <vercingetorixireland@yahoo.ie>,
Spirit of King Ollamh Fodhla (Tara/Turoe and Ulster)" <ollamhfodhla@yahoo.co.uk>,
"Des Smyth,
Garbally College, Years
1958-1963" <jdsmyth@eircom.net>, Paddy Barrett <barrflo@eircom.net>,
Kevin Blehein <kevin@ftei.ie>, The Family of the late Eamonn Boland <eamboland@gmail.com>,
Joe Broder <ssc_joeb@yahoo.co.jp>, Ignatius Byrne <byrneagri@gmail.com>,
Pat Coffey <pcoffey@coffeygroup.com>, John Cogavin <cogavins@hotmail.com>,
Michael Comerton <mcomerton@yahoo.com>, Michael Connolly <mariekconnolly@eircom.net>,
Tom Crehan <crehant@gmail.com>, Ed Doorley <edoorley@dlrcoco.ie>, Brian
Fahy <bpfahy@eircom.net>, Tom Fahy <tom.fahy@ic24.net>, Billy Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>,
Billy Flynn <billymar.flynn@gmail.com>, Eddie Foyle <info@foyleshotel.com>,
Paddy Foyle <thequay@iol.ie>, Patrick Gullane Patrick <patrick.gullane@uhn.on.ca>,
Johnny Halloran <john.halloran1@btopenworld.com>, Kieran Hardiman <kieran.hardiman@shaw.ca>,
Conall Herr <ellaherr@gmail.com>, Frank Hession <frankhession@hotmail.com>,
Michael Hickey <hickeyfamily01@eircom.net>, Colbert Kearney <aaacjk@gmail.com>,
Raymond Kelly <rayoceallaigh@hotmail.co.uk>, FX Kelly <galwayfrank@gmail.com>,
Sean Kelly 1 <esanlekly@gmail.com>, Sean Kelly 2 <sean.kelly@prai.ie>,
Denis Kennedy <denis.kennedy@wexfordcoco.ie>, Des Madden <dmadden@iol.ie>,
Patrick McGinley <patrickjmcginley@live.com>, Kevin McNamara <kevin.mcnamara@nuigalway.ie>,
John Molloy <john_molloy44@hotmail.com>, Noel Mullins <noelmullins@hotmail.com>,
Bernard O'Farrell Bernard <ofarrellbernard@gmail.com>, Michael O'Grady <mikieoss@yahoo.co.uk>,
Pat Pender <penderspc@iol.ie>, Philip Pettit <ppettit@princeton.edu>,
Kieran Power <mkpower1@eircom.net>, Stephen Rodgers <stephen@raymonahan.com>,
Rory Scanlan <rory@newcourtas.ie>, Robert Snee <bobbyjosnee@yahoo.com>,
Brendan White <brendanwhite18@gmail.com>, Donal Wynne <donal.wynne@gmail.com>