William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>

Your letter to me dated March 2nd 2020.

William Finnerty <williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 1:45 PM
To: Radius Housing Association Manager Deborah Sparks <deborah.sparks@radiushousing.org>
Cc: Radius Housing Association Welfare Advice Officer Cathy Jackson <Cathy.Jackson@radiushousing.org>, Radius Housing Association Secretary Geraldine Carlisle <geraldine.carlisle@radiushousing.org>, William Finnerty Yahoo Account <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
  Dear Mrs Sparks,

Thank you for your letter dated March 2nd which I received yesterday (March 5th). I have placed a scanned copy of it at the following www location:

This morning I phoned the 0330 123 0888 telephone number you provided in your March 2nd letter to me and was informed by Geraldine Carlisle -- who I understand is one of your work colleagues -- that you are off work today, and will not be back until Monday.

Assuming I understood her correctly, Ms Carlisle suggested to me that I should email you and Cathy Jackson today to let you know that a) I sent an email to Cathy Jackson on March 3rd, a copy of which can be viewed at:
and b) that, to date, I have not received any response from Cathy Jackson to the email at the www address immediately above.

It would be much appreciated if you, or Cathy Jackson, could please provide me with an answer regarding the request referred to in the final two paragraphs of my March 3rd email to Cathy Jackson at the www location immediately above.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.
Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com
FACEBOOK Timeline:

=== === ===

         END OF EMAIL TEXT   




(February 26th 2016 General Election Day in Republic of Ireland)




"Pistols for two Rostov, and coffee for one."


Which of the two  "political systems"  will  "the people"  of the world end up with?






















The Future of Politics and Law in the Internet Age

 (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible."

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totalitarianism
 "Constitutionalism   is descriptive of a complicated concept, deeply imbedded in historical experience, which subjects the officials who exercise governmental powers to the limitations of a higher law. Constitutionalism proclaims the desirability of the rule of law (based on constitutional law, and laws connected with the Charter of the United Nations, and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights for example)  as opposed to rule by the arbitrary judgment or mere fiat of public officials…. Throughout the literature dealing with modern public law and the foundations of statecraft the central element of the concept of constitutionalism is that in political society government officials are not free to do anything they please in any manner they choose; they are bound to observe both the limitations on power and the procedures which are set out in the supreme, constitutional law of the community. It may therefore be said that the touchstone of constitutionalism is the concept of limited government under a higher law." 

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutionalism
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"As the adve'sawies have wefused a weconciliation, please pwoceed. Take your pistols, and at the word thwee, ... War and Peace ..."

By Russian Author  Leo Tolstoy 

Related Internet Search Engine List:
"Leo Tolstoy, Abraham Lincoln, Human Rights Ireland ..."
Related Indymedia (Ireland) Comment:
by W. Finnerty Thu May 16, 2013 12:30
Please note that, for technical reasons beyond my control, the dozen or so "Internet Hyperlinks" provided in the "Related Open News Topics" section below will appear as "dead text" in this "Indymedia (Ireland)" comment. However, the original "live working" versions of these hyperlinks can be found (and used) in the edition of the message-text at the www address provided above; and, they were included in this morning's e-mail to the United Nations because, between them, they seem (to me) to provide a pretty good indication/"feel" of just how MASSIVE, VARIED, WIDESPREAD, and DEEPLY ENTRENCHED, the global "government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity" problem really is at the present time: and, most important of all perhaps, I think they also, as a set, supply a tangible "handle" (of sorts) on the very slimy, very extensive, and often very blurred "DENIAL (genuine and/or pretend) MINDSET PROBLEM", which continues to so powerfully, and frequently INVISIBLY, and often from "way behind the scenes", to "fuel and drive" the whole accelerating global phenomenon of "government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity". Has anything really changed fundamentally among the arrogant/ignorant/stupid "ruling elites" (i.e. the "human tin-gods" who are trying to "play GOD" and making complete fools of themselves in the process), I often find myself asking myself, since the days (in the 1400s AD) of the "Borgias Pope Family" in Holy Rome: "The Original Crime Family of The Vatican", as they have been labelled by some?'

'A bit like other aspects of the universe itself perhaps, it may be that this particularly nasty MINDSET "type social problem" (as I see it), in very large part a human-brain "software problem" I suspect, which I have long viewed as a major threat for "humanity as a whole", and maybe even for the whole of "Life on Earth" possibly -- when and if the constantly-lurking risk, above and below the surface of the Earth (particularly in the oceans of our World), of "the makings" of a  "Hell on Earth" Thermonuclear World War Three   is taken into account -- is a problem that is half-invisibly expanding outwards (and inwards as well at the same time in its particular case!!) at something approaching the speed of light? Or at least the speed of sound perhaps, and with much of the credit for the "expansion in all directions" due to the bankster owned/controlled MSM (Main Stream Media).'
The two excerpts just above formed part of an Indymedia (Ireland) comment made on Thursday May 16th, 2013 at 12:30.
The full Thursday May 16th 2013 12:30 Indymedia (Ireland) comment which the excerpts were taken from can be viewed at:


BACKUP COPY:  http://www.humanrightsireland.com/IndyMediaIreland/7November2013/Post.htm#comment295708
Related Link 1:
"Borgias, Pope Alexander VI, 1492–1503, Vatican, government corruption, crime, cover-ups, bullying, and impunity ..."
 Related Link 2: 
" The Future of Politics and Law in the Internet Age, Human Rights Ireland ..." 

Bratach na hÉireann


(Flag of the Republic of Ireland)



Article 6.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann (the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland):

"All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good."








 "technological advances" and the Third Global Diaspora Forum: 




"Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray ...

... that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."


The two pieces of text just above are from two different speeches made by former
President of the Republic of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln.


Abraham Lincoln (16th US President): Born on February 12th 1809; Died April 15th 1865.
(Assassinated by a single bullet fired into the back of his head at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC on the evening of April 14th 1865)


"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go."


"My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."


Abraham Lincoln




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