"Totalitarianism / Impunity" E-mail to Republic of Ireland Senators (October 11th 2013) ... |
William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk> | Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:15 PM | |
William Finnerty <newinngalway@yahoo.co.uk>
"\"US President Barack Obama (Constitutional/Civil Rights Lawyer) and
First Lady Michelle Obama (Lawyer)\"" <info@barackobama.com>,
"\"Ban Ki-moon (Secretary-General of the United Nations)\""
<public.participation@unece.org>, "\"Dr Anne Jeffers (Consultant
Psychiatrist)\"" <info@hse.ie>, "\"Loughrea & Athenry
Community Mental Health Team Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Deirdre
Hussey\"" <infoline1@hse.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland Ombudsman Dr
Emily O'Reilly\"" <ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.ie>, "\"Chief Executive
Officer of Irish Advocacy Network Colette Nolan\""
<admin@irishadvocacynetwork.com>, "\"Gerald Finnerty &
Marjorie Dolan\"" <margieandgerald@yahoo.ie>, "\"Dr John O'Reilly
GP\"" <Lakeshoremedicalcentre@hotmail.com>, "\"Siobhan Tara
Finnerty and Family\"" <siobhan510@bigpond.com>, "\"Dr Michael
McCavert GP\"" <permanent.secretary@dhsspsni.gov.uk>, "\"Finnerty
Family Lawyer Greg Nolan at Hogan & Co Ballinasloe County Galway\""
<greg@phoganandco.com>, "\"Gerard J Madden Senior Social Worker\""
<gmadden@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>, "\"PSNI Ombudsman Complaints Officer
Fiona Boylan\"" <complaints@policeombudsman.org>, "\"Tyrone &
Fermanagh Hospital Consultant Dr Thomas Foster\""
<tfoster@slt.n-i.nhs.uk>, "\"Republic of Ireland Minister for
Social Protection Joan Burton TD Claim No 69-1962034S\""
<joan.burton@oireachtas.ie>, "\"P Brennan Executive Officer at
Social Welfare Appeals Office Appeal 11/26733\""
<swappeals@welfare.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland High Court
President Justice Nicholas Kearns\""
<SupremeAndHighCourtOperations@courts.ie>, "\"Deputy Prime
Minister Eamon Gilmore\"" <eamon.gilmore@oireachtas.ie>,
"\"Finance Minister Michael Noonan TD\""
<michael.noonan@oireachtas.ie>, "\"UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick
Clegg MP\"" <cleggn@parliament.uk>, "\"Kathleen McElduff Bank of
Ireland Manager Omagh Branch Northern Ireland\""
<Kathleen.McElduff@boimail.com>, "\"Chief Inspector Michael
Winters (Omagh Police Station)\"" <omagh@psni.pnn.police.uk>,
"\"Peter Sutherland Chairman of Goldman Sachs International Bank
Steering Committee Member of the Bilderberg Group and European Chairman
of the Trilateral Commission\"" <trilateral.europe@wanadoo.fr>,
"\"Former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton\""
<questions@friendsofhillary.com>, "\"Christopher and Mary
Fogarty\"" <fogartyc@att.net>, "\"Dr Elaine Byrne Lead Researcher
for the Transparency International National Integrity System Country
Study on Ireland\"" <info@transparency.ie>, "\"First Minister of
Northern Ireland Peter Robinson\"" <info@dup.org.uk>, "\"Martin
McGuinness Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland\""
<info@sinnfein.org>, "\"RT TV\"" <producers@rttv.ru>,
"\"LaRouche Political Action Committee\"" <info@larouchepac.com>,
"\"UK Cabinet Minister Kenneth Clarke QC\""
<clarkek@parliament.uk>, "\"Former European Central Bank President
Jean-Claude Trichet\"" <info@ecb.europa.eu>, "\"Patrick Mahassen
of Transparency International The Clobal Coalition Against Corruption\""
<pmahassen@transparency.org>, "\"Citizens Information Board\""
<info@ciboard.ie>, "\"Director of Mental Health Reform Orla
Barry\"" <info@mentalhealthreform.ie>, "\"President of College of
Psychiatry of Ireland Dr Anthony McCarthy\""
<info@irishpsychiatry.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland Justice Minister
Alan Shatter TD\"" <alan.shatter@oireachtas.ie>, "\"Republic of
Ireland Chief Police Commissioner Martin Callinan\""
"\"Republic of Ireland Chief Justice
Susan Denham\"" <SupremeCourt@courts.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland
Prime Minister and Fine Gael Party Leader Enda Kenny\""
<Enda.Kenny@oireachtas.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland President and
Principal Guardian of Bunreacht na hEireann Dr Michael D Higgins\""
<michaeldtd@gmail.com>, "\"United States of America
Acquisition Resource Center\"" <nsaarc@nsaarc.net>
"\"Time for Truth Campaign by the People of Eire\""
<info@thepeopleofeire.com>, "\"The Pensions Board\""
<info@pensionsboard.ie>, "\"UK Government Communications
Headquarters (GCHQ)\"" <haguew@parliament.uk>, "\"UK Prime
Minister David Cameron MP\"" <camerond@parliament.uk>, "\"IMF
Managing Director Christine Lagarde\"" <ethics@imf.org>,
"\"Republic of Ireland Health Minister Dr. James Reilly TD\""
<ministersoffice@health.gov.ie>, "\"Commission Secretariat Brian
McKevitt\"" <Brian.McKevitt@sipo.gov.ie>, "\"SIPO Access Officer
Mr Aidan Moore\"" <aidan_moore@ombudsman.gov.ie>, "\"The Standards
in Public Office Commission\"" <sipo@sipo.gov.ie>, "\"Global
Irish Economic Forum\"" <info@thegatheringireland.com>,
"\"Republic of Ireland Attorney General Máire R. Whelan SC\""
<info@ag.irlgov.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland Director of Public
Prosecutions Ms Claire Loftus\"" <dppwebmaster@indigo.ie>,
"\"Republic of Ireland Chief State Solicitor (Republic of Ireland)\""
<contact@csso.gov.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland Department of
Justice Minister of State Kathleen Lynch TD\""
<kathleen_lynch@health.gov.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland Minister of
State at the Department of Finance Brian Hayes\""
<brian.hayes@oireachtas.ie>, "\"Republic of Ireland Medical
Organisation President Dr Paul McKeown\"" <imo@imo.ie>, "\"Mental
Health Commission\"" <info@mhcirl.ie>, "\"European Movement
Ireland\"" <info@europeanmovement.ie>, "\"Sinn Féin Party
President Gerry Adams\"" <Gerry.Adams@oireachtas.ie>, "\"Dr John
Kilraine GP\"" <jkilraine@mainstreetclinic.net>, "\"Mark
McCrystal\"" <mark-mccrystal@gmx.com>, "\"Louise Arbour (Former UN
High Commissioner for Human Rights)\"" <ngochr@ohchr.org>,
"\"Chairperson of Referendum Commission Mary Finlay Geoghegan\""
<refcom@refcom.gov.ie>, "\"Pope Francis 2nd\""
<ornet@ossrom.va>, "\"Cardinal Brady\""
<info@catholiccommunications.ie>, "\"Jeannette Swenarton Northern
Ireland Social Security Agency (Reference Disability Case Reference
52-82267 for YH615974D)\"" <Private.Office@dsdni.gov.uk>,
"\"President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy\""
"\"EU Foreign Minister
Baroness Ashton of Upholland\"" <hlinfo@parliament.uk>, "\"EU
Commissioner Maire Geoghegan Quinn\""
<CAB-GEOGHEGAN-QUINN-CONTACT@ec.europa.eu>, "\"The Official
Website of The British Monarchy\"" <webeditor@royal.gsx.gov.uk>,
"\"Lawyer and Broadcaster Vincent Browne\""
<vincent.browne@tv3.ie>, "\"Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Manager Ivan Armstrong\"" <omaghdistrict@nihe.gov.uk>, "\"London
Metropolitan Police\"" <new.scotland.yard@met.police.uk>,
"\"Northern Ireland Chief Constable Matt Baggot\""
<information@nipolicingboard.org.uk>, "\"Police Ombudsman for
Northern Ireland Al Hutchinson\"" <info@policeombudsman.org>,
"\"The Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission\"" <info@gsoc.ie>,
"\"Jose Manuel Barroso (President of European Union Commission)\""
<sg-web-president@ec.europa.eu>, "\"European Court of Human Rights
Case Reference: 25077/05\"" <infopoint@coe.int>, "\"Nikiforos
Diamandouros (The European Ombudsman) Case ref: 1867/2006/IP)\""
<euro-ombudsman@europarl.eu.int>, "\"Kathy Sinnott (Former MEP)\""
<kathysinnott@iol.ie>, "\"Liam Cashman EU Environmental
Directorate\"" <Liam-Joseph.Cashman@ec.europa.eu>, "\"Marie Murray
(Senior Psychologist & Irish Times Columnist)\""
<mmurray@irish-times.ie>, "\"Dr Maurice Manning President of Human
Rights Commission\"" <info@ihrc.ie>, "\"Elaine Corcoran Mental
Health Ireland\"" <info@mentalhealthireland.ie>, "\"The Irish
Centre for Human Rights\"" <humanrights@nuigalway.ie>, "\"Senator
Ivana Bacik Barrister and Reid Professor of Criminal Law Criminology and
Penology at Trinity College Dublin\""
<ivana.bacik@oireachtas.ie>, "\"Lawyer Adrian O' Kane Omagh\""
<adrian.okane@pfahy.com>, "\"Dr Joseph E. Stiglitz (Economist)\""
<jes322@columbia.edu>, "\"Republican Sinn Féin\""
<saoirse@iol.ie>, "\"Rossport Solidarity Camp\""
<rossportsolidaritycamp@gmail.com>, "\"Sean Halligan at Department
of Social Protection Athlone\"" <sean.halligan@welfare.ie>,
"\"Carolyn Lambert\"" <carolynalambert@hotmail.com>,
Times Editor Kevin O'Sullivan\"" <newsdesk@irishtimes.com>,
"\"Constitutional and International Human Rights Lawyer Dr Francis A.
Boyle\"" <fboyle@illinois.edu>, "\"William Finnerty\""
<williamfinnertygalway@gmail.com>, "\"The Spirit of Celtic Queen
Boadicea (East Anglia)\"" <iceniqueenboadicea@yahoo.co.uk>, "\"The
Spirit of Celtic Chieftain Vercingetorix (Alesia and Turoe)\""
<vercingetorixireland@yahoo.ie>, "\"The Spirit of King Ollamh
Fodhla (Tara and Ulster)\"" <ollamhfodhla@yahoo.co.uk>
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