Dear Ms Nugent,
Thank you for your e-mail of
The specific
allegations of misconduct I wish to make against PSNI Chief
Inspector Michael Winters (Omagh Police Station) are as
=== ===
1) Chief Inspector
Michael Winters appears to me to have completely ignored the
whole contents of my recorded delivery letter to him dated
June 2nd 2008 (the text of which can be viewed at );
and, at the same time, and in connection with some "crime" (or
"crimes") I suspect he is inventing, and attempting to build
on for the purpose of distracting and discrediting me, has
acted in a manner which put my life in danger: by sending
police officers armed with machine guns to my home in
Greencastle on Sunday, August 31st 2008 -- at a time when he
knew I was suffering from untreated C-PTSD (Complex-Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder).
=== ===
2) Chief Inspector
Michael Winters appears to me to be completely ignoring the
extremely serious crime involving the growing mental torture
which Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Thomas Foster has been
subjecting me since early December 2004 by his failure to
provide me with the medical treatment I need for the
particular form of C-PTSD I have been suffering from for
several years now: i.e. "traumas and stresses at the hands of
individuals and public officials and bodies that he has
encountered in his struggles to try to correct environmental
wrong doings", as stated by my GP (Dr Michael McCavert) in his
"To Whom It May Concern" letter dated October 28th
A scanned copy of Dr Michael McCavert's "To
Whom It May Concern" letter dated October 28th 2005 can be
viewed at the following address:
, and it is the last (of three) of the scanned images on that
As I see things, by ignoring Dr Foster's
crime relating to my medical treatment, Chief Inspector
Winters is perverting the course of justice in very major ways
relating to the treasonous forms of criminal activity
(involving unconstitutional legislation) which I have outlined
for him (and others with an interest in my case) at
Please note that long before my "machine gun
interview" with the Omagh police (on August 31st last), I
believe I had already provided Chief Inspector Winters with
more than enough evidence and information for him to have
started an investigation into Dr Foster's ongoing criminal
failure to provide me with proper medical treatment for the
C-PTSD I am suffering from; and, that I have sent the
information in question to Chief Inspector Winters in the
several e-mails I have copied to him -- dating back to June
2nd 2008 -- which are listed at
=== === ===
3) Chief
Inspector Winters appears to me to be completely unwilling to
investigate the crime connected with the theft of £294.32 I
suffered at the hands of Sky Digital between late 2006 and the
early part of this year, most of which was fraudulently taken
from my Bank of Ireland (Omagh Branch) account. This theft
involved an Internet Broadband service which Sky Digital never
actually supplied me with, and the details of which I outlined
for Chief Inspector Winters in the e-mail I copied to him at
As I pointed out to Chief Inspector Winters in
the e-mail text at the address immediately above, Lord Jacob
Rothschild has been Deputy Chairman of BSkyB since 2003, and
this is the same Lord Jacob Rothschild as the one connected
with the very large and hugely corrupt "slush fund" (known as
the Global Security Fund) referred to at
Please note that the "mountain" of very diverse
and serious crime connected with the Global Security Fund
appears to me to have potentially huge, and possibly very
dangerous implications (of a tyrannous nature) for all of us:
particularly if a second referendum is held in the Republic of
Ireland on the Lisbon Treaty during the coming six months or
so -- as several close observers of the situation are at the
present time publicly speculating will almost certainly
As has very clearly (and very publicly)
been stated in the European Parliament by UK MEP Ashley Mote,
the Brussels based Global "Security" Fund is being used for
"geopolitical engineering purposes": -- i.e. purposes which
ignore and are totally contemptuous of genuine democracy of
the kind very ably defined by ASSASSINATED United States
President Abraham Lincoln as:
"government of the people, by
the people, for the people".
=== ===
It would be much appreciated if you
could e-mail me an acknowledgement of receipt for this e-mail
at your earliest convenience please; and, should you require
any further information from me relating to the three specific
complaints I have listed above against Chief Inspector Michael
Winters, please do not hesitate to e-mail me
For future reference purposes, please also
note that I intend to place a copy of this e-mail at the
following address later today: