Reply to The Law Society of Northern Ireland dated March 31st 2017


Letter Text:



Mr. John Mackell 
Director of Client (Solicitor) Complaints
The Law Society of Northern Ireland
Law Society House
96 Victoria Street
Belfast BT1 3GN

Friday, March 31st 2017

Your Reference: JM/MB

Dear Mr Mackell,


Thank you for your letter dated March 29th 2017, a scanned copy of which I have placed at the following www location: 

In connection with the new Complaint Form you have sent me, and asked me to complete, please know that there is nothing of any significance (as I see it) that I wish to change at the present time regarding the information I provided you with in the first Complaint Form I sent to you through the registered post on January 28th 2017, a scanned copy of which can be viewed at the following www location:

After I had posted the Complaint Form referred to at the www location just above, I did notice that I had accidentally failed to include the word "galway" in the email address I provided in Part 1 of the form, and I have now corrected that omission on the second Complaint Form (attached), which I have signed, and dated March 31st 2017.

It is also the case that I feel there is nothing of significance (as I see it) that I wish to change in the text of the letter I sent to you through the registered post on February 23rd 2017, which was in response to your request for additional information from me in connection with the first Complaint Form of mine dated January 28th 2017 referred to at the www location immediately above. A scanned copy of my February 23rd 2017 letter to you can be viewed at:

I trust that on receipt of this letter you will then have all the paperwork you need from me to "liaise with the solicitors" in question -- i.e. Ms Louise Moley LL.B and Mr Ronan McGuigan LL.B -- for the purpose you have stated in your March 29th 2017 letter referred to above. If not, please let me know of any new information you might require of me and I will do my best to provide you with it as soon as I can.

Should it be the case that the solicitors in question decide that I am not a client of Ms Moley, it would be much appreciated by me if you could please try to find out for me, and to let me know, the answers to the following two questions:

a):  When exactly did Ms Moley and/or Mr McGuigan decide I was not a client of theirs;
b):  Why, when (and if) Ms Moley and/or Mr McGuigan decided I was not a client of theirs, did they not inform me of this decision of theirs soon after they made it, say within one week or so?

Within the coming few days, and largely for the purpose of trying to avoid any confusion that I feel might otherwise arise in connection with this and earlier items of correspondence of mine to The Law Society of Northern Ireland regarding my complaint about Ms Moley LL.B and Mr McGuigan LL.B, I will place a copy of this letter, together with a scanned copy of the second (attached) Complaint Form of mine dated March 31st 2017, which you have asked me to provide you with in your March 29th 2017 letter, at the following www location:

I look forward to hearing from you regarding the above matters.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.

** ******** ****
Northern Ireland
**** ***.



Second Complaint Form signed by me on March 31st 2017.

Copy of To Whom It May Concern Letter dated October 28th 2005 written by Dr Michael McCavert GP.

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Scanned Copy of Letter:


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Complaints Form:


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To Whom It May Concern Letter written by Dr Michael McCavert GP


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Royal Mail Receipt dated March 31st 2017



 Royal Mail Proof of Delivery Note dated April 3rd 2017



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