Guardians of the Constitutions who cannot be trusted

  A copy of the original of the scanned copy of the e-mail dated October 2nd 2012 (below), addressed primarily to "The Senior Helpline", can be viewed by clicking on the following Human Rights Ireland address:

  The originals of the four scanned sheets of A4 shown below were handed to James Coyne, Manager of the Westside Resource Centre, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway City, Republic of Ireland on the morning of Thursday, October 4th 2012:
at approximately 10.30 am; in the presence of Receptionist Una Casburn, and a man named John (who I understand is the Caretaker of the Westside Resource Centre); and, with a verbal request (from William Finnerty) that they do the their best to get the papers in question into the hands of either Greg Duff and/or Rebecca Levy -- who are both, I understand, Advocates with the National Advocacy Service (Republic of Ireland), and who both specialise in helping people who have "difficulty speaking up for themselves" -- (thanks, in my particular case, to the Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder referred to in "Dr Michael McCavert GP" Sheet 4 below) as soon as they reasonably could: which all three assured me they would do.

 Sheet 1 of 4



 Sheet 2 of 4



 Sheet 3 of 4



 Sheet 4 of 4



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