Dear Ms Friel,
Thank you for your letter dated
May 11th 2009 (which I received on May
With reference to the section of your letter
containing the statement "
the Housing Executive may
dispose of it (i.e. my property) in accordance with the
provisions of the above said order (i.e. Article 2 of the
Secure Tenancies Abandonment Property Order NI 1995)", I
would be grateful if you would please take
very careful note of the following points in
relation to this statement, and the impact that acting on it
may have on my efforts to get
justice on my
own behalf:
1) As I have pointed out in the
letter I sent to
Barry Fox (Omagh Housing Executive)
through the registered post on
April 15th 2009, I have
discussed this issue with
Paula Street (Loughrea based
Social Worker) on
April 14th 2009, and she informed me
in a confident manner -- on April 14th -- that she had spoken
Gerry Madden (Omagh based Social Worker) on the
phone some time earlier, and that he had informed her he would
e-mail me with answers to the two matters I have mentioned
under 7) and 9) below.
2) When I saw Paula
Street on
April 28th 2009, I pointed out to her that I
had not received the e-mail from Gerry Madden she had advised
me to expect. On learning this she offered to contact Gerry
Madden on my behalf again, which I readily agreed to in the
hope that some further effort by her would result in I
receiving an e-mail from Gerry Madden containing the two
pieces of information referred to below under 7) and 9): which
extremely important to me for reasons that I
feel should be very obvious to all concerned.
To date, I have not received any e-mail from Gerry Madden
since my first formal meeting with Paula Street on April 14th
4) As I see things, I have not
abandoned" the
Greencastle property you are
writing to me about; I
fled from it
in fear for my life) some hours after
members of the
PSNI (Police Service of Northern
Ireland) unexpectedly turned up the
Greencastle address around lunchtime of
August 31st
2008 armed with
machine guns: for no good
reason whatsoever that I know of. (It may be worth pointing
out that minutes after the police had departed, I was advised
by a Greencastle resident that my very public police
interview, machine guns and all, had been witnessed from close
quarters by at least one local person.)
5) I
have not been back to the Greencastle property since the
morning of Monday
September 1st 2008 because the police
informed me they would return to arrest me (at the Greencastle
property) if I did not present myself at the
Omagh Police
Station at "1400 hours" on September 1st 2008; and, the
reason I have stayed away from the Greencastle address is
wholly because I fear I would be
putting my life at risk by returning
there as things stand at the present time, having due regard
for the fact that
senior members of the
appear to me to be ignoring my numerous efforts to
truthfully communicate with them in
writing (via e-mail and recorded delivery letters): which,
correctly or otherwise, leaves me with the feeling that their
only interest in the
truth relating to my
case is to
cover it up -- for the
purpose, apparently, of providing
people such as
Jacob Rothschild (for
example), and with no regard
WHATSOEVER it seems for the very
wide range of "
costs" that doing so
forces onto me,
day after day,
after week, month after month, and year after
6) I sent a letter through the registered
post to Gerry Madden on
December 19th 2008 (copy of
text and Post Office receipt available at
) in which I set out the difficulties I have been having with
UK Police for several years now. In
connection with the
London Metropolitan Police Service
(Scotland Yard) these unresolved difficulties date back to
2002, and in the case of the
13th 2004.
7) I have
received any acknowledgement of receipt from Gerry Madden for
my December 19th 2008 letter to him, and consequently I do not
know if he has ever received it or not. This is the
first of two items I have been waiting for
written clarification on from him, via the e-mail I have been
expecting from him referred to in 3) above.
8) I
sent a letter through the registered post to
Barry Fox
April 3rd 2009 (copy and Post Office receipt
) which, among other things, provided Mr Fox with Internet
access to the letter to Gerry Madden referred to at 6) above:
and which I requested him to take
"very" careful
note of.
9) I have never received
any acknowledgement of receipt from Barry Fox for my April 3rd
2009 letter to him, and consequently I do not know if he has
ever received it or not. This is the
second of
two items I have been waiting for written clarification on
from Gerry Madden, via the e-mail I have been expecting from
him referred to in 3) above.
10) On
May 18th
2009 I handed
Dr Anne Jeffers (Consultant
Psychiatrist based in County Galway) a set of papers relating
to the subject of
"Impunity", and its connection with
my particular case. The texts in question included sections of
the information provided at , and at . These
same texts are also referred to in the e-mail I copied to
last Friday (May 22nd 2009) - the full
text of which can be viewed at
, and which refers -- very correctly in my view -- to
impunity as
"exceedingly harmful and
implying irreparable damage done through
evil or insidious corrupting or
11) My understanding is that Dr
Jeffers will be giving further consideration to the set of
"Impunity" texts I handed her last
Monday -- which I see as the core
obstacle that is preventing a just resolution to the
long drawn out and complex set of psychological abuses I have
unhappily been subjected to during the past 10 years or so,
and which are ongoing -- before she writes to my
GP in County Galway (Dr John
for the purpose of informing him regarding the kind of medical
treatment she is providing me with, and her reasons for doing
so.12) I am due to receive my very
first session of formal treatment for
C-PTSD (Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with
Niamh Gralton (who I understand is a
member of Dr Jeffers's Team) on
May 28th 2009: which is
well over
3 years since Omagh based
Michael McCavert GP formally diagnosed the condition in me
in his
"To Whom It May Concern" letter dated
28th 2005 (copy at
), and well over
4 years since
Dr Thomas
Foster (Consultant Psychiatrist) had me thrown out of
Fermanagh and Tyrone Hospital on
December 14th 2004,
just days after I was admitted: and without having
provided me with any medical treatment for the C-PTSD I now
know I was suffering from long before I was admitted to
Fermanagh and Tyrone Hospital on
December 7th
13) Dr Jeffers informed me on
18th 2009 that, as I understand it, she had written to Dr
Foster to find out why he "treated" me in the way that he did in
December 2004, and that she is waiting for a written reply
from him.
14) I wrote to Dr Thomas Foster myself
August 11th 2008 (copy at
) but I have never received any reply of any kind from him:
which I find
extremely worrying for several
, including the fact that the letter in question
was copied to
Chief Inspector Michael Winters (Omagh
Police Station), who shortly afterwards sent police armed with
machine guns to my Greencastle address, as
related at 4) above.
15) As can clearly be seen
at the Internet address immediately above, the e-mail version
of my August 11th 2009 letter to Dr Foster was also
copied to
Northern Ireland Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde
16) Copies of my August 11th 2008
letter to Dr Foster were also sent through the registered post
to UK Prime Minister
Gordon Brown MP, and to
Republic of Ireland
Prime Minister Brian Cowan TD; and,
in both cases, I have not received any written or verbal
response from them. (The associated Post Office receipts can
be viewed at the Internet address immediately
17) I have checked my
Bank of
Ireland (Omagh) account this morning and I note that
all payments (due by me to the Omagh Housing Executive)
for the Greencastle property are fully up to
18) All of the information I have so far
found on the Internet relating to
C-PTSD suggests that
prognosis for recovery from the psychological
injuries in question is generally considered to be not good.
However, I have long believed that my chances of recovery
would be greatly increased if I could have the benefit of
justice through the suggestions
mentioned under
Principle 1 (
which includes clear mention of things such as
effective remedies"
reparation", "
prevent a RECURRENCE of
violations", and "
the inalienable right to
know the truth about violations".
19) As
I have already pointed out to Paula Street on April 14th 2009,
I believe that my chances of achieving
may be
very severely reduced if anybody
than myself gets access to the written records
belonging to me at the Greenford property: which circumstances
beyond my control forced me to leave behind me on the morning
of September 1st 2008 -- for the reasons related at 4)
20) As I believe it could very seriously
undermine my efforts to get
justice, if the
Omagh Housing Executive presses ahead with its plan
dispose of my property "
in accordance with
the provisions of the above said order (i.e. Article 2 of the
Secure Tenancies Abandonment Property Order NI 1995)", I
therefore request that you do not proceed with this
Allowing for the above, and for reasons which
I feel should be
very obvious to all concerned,
I would very much appreciate it if you could let me have a
written acknowledgement of receipt for this
particular communication at your earliest convenience please:
so that the long-standing (and ongoing) criminal abuse
connected with the
mental torture I'm being
subjected to is prevented from being further extended and
enlarged upon by yet more impunity (at my expense).
future reference purposes, I will later today place a copy of
this e-mail at the following Internet location: